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Patients FAQ Listing
Are age spots a real thing in the dermatology world?
In this video Dr. Jennifer MacIsaac explains the term “age spots.” She clarifies that there are many common aging symptoms that are caused by age but never diagnosed as an age spot.
Is teen acne the same as adult acne?
In this video Dr. Jennifer MacIssac discusses the differences between adult and teenage acne as well as the different treatment options available.
Is the medical aesthetic world a place of vanity?
A common stigma associated with cosmetic dermatology relates to vanity. This stigma is disappointing for specialists in skin health. Watch this video to gain important perspectives shared by our Dermatologist, Dr. Jennifer MacIsaac.
As a dermatologist do you feel social pressures to have perfect skin?
Watch this video to see how Dr. Jennifer MacIsaac unassumingly answers this question. Even a dermatologist has to keep up with their skincare and treatments to maintain healthy skin.
How impactful can teenage acne be to an individual?
Teenage acne can be a very impactful skin condition. Dr. Jennifer MacIsaac speaks to the many impacts it can have on teens and young adults.
Is toothpaste a good solution for pimples on the skin?
In this video Dr. Jennifer MacIsaac speaks about how there are better approaches than toothpaste when treating a pimple/zit on your face.
A whispered question asked to a dermatologist is how to lighten my sensitive areas?
In this video Dr. Jennifer MacIsaac gives her approach to the commonly whispered question. It involves a professional approach if you want to get the right result safely. Watch this video for more insight.
Am I a good candidate for CoolSculpting?
In this video Dr. MacIsaac discusses the CoolSculpting technology in her practice as well as the evidence supporting patient outcomes.
What are the differences in dermatology between men and women?
Dr. MacIsaac discusses the major concerns men and woman present to her at the Ottawa Derm Centre. She discusses the differences and similarities. Watch to learn more.
Why are my underarms darker after shaving?
Dr. MacIsaac gives hygiene tips on the approach to shaving.
What causes liver spots? Should I be concerned?
Dr. MacIsaac discusses the cause of liver spots and whether we should be concerned about our liver if we present with liver spots on our skin.
As a mother to 4, how best do you handle diaper rash?
This is a great topic for all parents. What are some of our best approaches to diaper rash from the mind of a board-certified dermatologist and mother of 4 children.
Does what we eat have an impact on our skin?
Dr. MacIsaac discusses why the food we eat can have an impact on our skin.
Why do my hands hurt after washing?
We are living in different times where extra hand washing and sanitizing are more routine and important than ever. Dr. MacIsaac speaks to this and offers advice on how we can continue to protect the skin on our hands.
What skincare products can you use while pregnant?
This is a very common topic that Dr. MacIsaac discusses in this video. Congratulations to all expecting mothers and we hope you find this video helpful.
Can I really reduce my pores?
Dr. MacIsaac discusses the challenge of reducing pores. It is not all bad news. There are ways to improve the skin to make pores less noticeable. Watch this video to find out more.
What is a pulsed dye laser?
Dr. Jen speaks to different laser wave lengths and the ability they have to treat various skin conditions.
What is our best approach for children with sensitive skin?
On this video our wonderful board-certified dermatologist and mother of 4 speaks to best practices when looking after our young ones with sensitive skin.
If I could only do one treatment, what technology would give me the best result?
Single treatment options are often not the best way to approach skin health but on this video Dr. Jen discusses options for patients who want to get the best possible outcome in one treatment.
What results can we expect to see when treating stretch marks?
Watch this video to learn about Dr. MacIsaac’s expectations for patient results when treating stretch marks.
What results can you expect when starting Botox?
Dr. MacIsaac speaks to how Botox works and how it can benefit individuals. Watch this video to learn more about Botox also known as neuromodulator.
Why has Dr. MacIsaac chosen the treatment menu available at the Ottawa Derm Centre?
In this video Dr. MacIsaac speaks to the reasons she has chosen the current menu of options at the Ottawa Derm Centre. After watching this video you will understand that the menu covers a wide range of skin types and skin concerns. In dermatology, there is never a one size fits all approach.
Can Canadian air dry out your skin?
We live in a beautiful country and we are proud of it but our 4 seasons can be damaging to our skin. Watch this video to hear Dr. MacIsaac’s approach to dry skin.
Why do tanning beds break a dermatologist's heart?
Dr. MacIsaac discusses the damage caused to our skin from the use of tanning beds.
Is wine bad for skin?
Dr. MacIsaac speaks to alcohol and how it affects our skin.