The Candela PicoWay is a FDA-cleared laser that treats acne scars, wrinkles, benign pigmented lesions (dark spots), and tattoo removal. This cutting-edge treatment is a fractional laser, meaning that it only affects a fraction of your skin while leaving the healthy cells around the treated area completely unharmed. The PicoWay uses very short pulses of energy to target tattoo ink or natural pigmentation below the surface of the skin. These intense pulses break up the pigment into tiny particles that the body can expel naturally. The PicoWay is also used to stimulate the production of collagen and elastin, which results in a younger, fresher complexion.
Who is an ideal candidate for PicoWay Candela?
The PicoWay laser is effective on both lighter and darker skin types.
How do I prepare for a PicoWay Candela treatment?
There is minimal preparation for a PicoWay treatment. The treatment area should be clean and make-up-free. Although topical anesthesia is not required, it may be applied to help alleviate any discomfort.
Is there any downtime with a PicoWay Candela treatment?
There is minimal downtime following a PicoWay treatment. Since the laser provides a photoacoustic effect instead of a photothermal one, the outer layer of the skin is left unharmed. Within one day of the treatment, most people can return to their normal activities including the application of makeup on the treatment area. You may however need a bandage to keep the treatment area dry for a few days following tattoo removal.
How does it feel?
How PicoWay feels will depend on the treatment you receive. Those undergoing tattoo removal are likely to experience some pain and discomfort with treatment. Most patients who received the PicoWay to treat wrinkles reported low levels of pain and mild to no discomfort for acne scar or dark spot treatment.
How long does a treatment take?
PicoWay treatments are typically brief (15-20 minutes) and are done over a series of treatment sessions spaced two to six weeks apart. Most patients reported low levels of pain during the treatment of wrinkles and mild to no discomfort for acne scar treatment.
When will I notice results?
Depending on the condition treated, you may be able to see initial improvement following your first PicoWay session. Some patients may see that the treated spots are darkening prior to seeing an improvement which is perfectly normal.
How much is a PicoWay Candela treatment?
Treatment costs will vary depending on the type of treatment, size of the treatment area, number of treatment sessions, and other factors. In general, it can be assumed that treating a larger area, such as a large tattoo, is a higher cost than treating a small tattoo or dark spot.
How do I book a treatment?
All our patients start with a thorough consultation. During your visit, we will discuss your objectives and concerns. Our team will complete an assessment and make recommendations that support your health and objectives. Based on your consultation, we will recommend whether we can book your PicoWay treatment.