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What is Body Contouring?

Body contouring, or body sculpting, refers to surgical procedures that are performed to improve the appearance of skin and tissue. Many people choose to undergo these procedures following weight loss; however, they can also be done to help create a more proportionate body contour.

Options for Body Contouring treatments?

There are many different body contouring procedures that are performed today. At Ottawa Derm Centre, we focus on liposuction and CoolSculpting to help you reach your aesthetic goals. Our team at Ottawa Derm Centre has the skills and knowledge to help you create the body of your dreams with our body contouring procedures.


This procedure is done to remove excess fatty deposits to sculpt and improve the overall shape of the body. It can be used to treat many areas of the body, including the thighs, hips and buttocks, waist and abdomen, upper arms, back, inner knees, chest, cheeks, neck, calves, and much more. There is a number of different types of liposuction techniques that can be used, including tumescent liposuction, ultrasound assisted liposuction, laser assisted liposuction, and suction assisted liposuction. The main differences between these techniques is the form of technology that is used to assist in removing fat.


CoolSculpting is a body sculpting treatment that uses cryolipolysis technology to freeze away fat cells. It uses special applicators made to specifically fit different areas of the body for the best results. Once your fat cells freeze, they die and are naturally eliminated from the body. It can be used to treat many different areas of the body including the under the chin and below the jawline, the flanks, abdomen, bra fat, upper arms, outer and inner thighs, distal thigh, and underneath the buttocks.

Who is an ideal candidate for Body Contouring?

Individuals with any of the following may be good candidates for body contouring:

– Have excess fat deposits on their body that will not go away despite diet and exercise.
– Feel as if certain areas of their body are not in proportion with the rest of their figure.
– Are near or at their desired body weight.
– Have good skin elasticity, meaning that sagging skin is not an issue.

If you are looking to lose a significant amount of weight or wish to correct sagging skin, body contouring procedures are not right for you. The best way to determine if this procedure is a good match for you is to schedule a consultation appointment to discuss your individual body goals.

Is there any downtime with the treatments?

Overall, recovery from body contouring will depend on the type of procedure that was done. Following liposuction, swelling, bruising, and discomfort may occur following liposuction, though will dissipate over time. You may be given a special compression garment to wear for the first few weeks to help minimize swelling. Many people can return to work after just a few days, though this will depend on the nature of the job. Your cosmetic surgeon will provide you with specific instructions on how to care for your treatment sites to ensure the best possible results. There is no downtime required following CoolSculpting, so patients can feel free to return to their everyday activities right away.

How do I book a treatment?

All our patients start with a thorough consultation.  During your visit we will discuss your objectives and concerns. One of our CoolSculpting professionals will complete an assessment and make recommendations that support your health and wellbeing.  If you are deemed a good candidate, we will be able to book your CoolSculpting session then.

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